Cause Campaign
Cities and metropolitan regions contribute to 70% of the worlds carbon emissions and over 60% of its resource usage. Inadequate transportation systems, services and infrastructures are worsening the air pollution. In addition, 9 out of 10 people living in urban regions worldwide are breathing air that did not meet the standards set by the World Health Organization. All of these significant issues are affecting every citizen which can lead to health problems, productivity issues and a disrupted economy. Thus, change needs to happen and it needs to happen now!
M4F aims to promote sustainable transportation in the city of Antwerp in collaboration with the municipality and companies that have an impact in this industry.
The objective is to reduce carbon emissions caused by public transport systems in Antwerp and to make the city more viable and green. Moreover, M4F wants to inform the citizens of Antwerp on sustsinable transportation.
We offer a service in which we undertake diffrent activities to make bus and train stations more efficient and green.
Examples of such services include the following:
Green bus shelters; with a sedum rooftop which reduces fine dust, it preserves rainwater and it fights high temperatures. Moreover, it increases biodiversity.
Add solar panels to bus and train stations in Antwerp.
Increase bicycle storage at bus and train stations to stimulate bicycle usage.
Add waste sorting bins on stations.
Pomote the cause on Social Media and our website.
Help us to promote sustainable transport and emphasize why it is important!
Take action now!